Friday, August 22, 2014

Welcome to the first Cyclone Chatter!! What an awesome name – A BIG THANKS goes out to Faith for submitting the winning Title. Also, a big thanks to the rest of the kids for your nominations! Next weeks will be jam packed with news!

We will start the Student Spotlight next Week. We do have a small problem though. We are still missing quite a few fact sheets about our students. Some of them were sent home and some were done in class. Students – if you have not turned your into Mrs. Mlnarik, please do so. That way you have an opportunity to be a Spotlight Student!! Mrs. Mlnarik is also still missing some School Blog/Weekly Newsletter Permission forms. If you want your picture or name printed, Mrs. Mlnarik needs to have your parents sign off! Along with that, please make sure your School-Parents Compact sheets have been signed and sent back to school!
September is Leukemia/Lymphoma Awareness Month and the Cyclone VB Teams has decided to sell T-Shirts to help raise money for these Foundations! Order forms for T-Shirts have been sent home with your son/daughter. Every T-Shirt sold, the VB Team will send in $2 to the Foundations. They are also asking that if you buy a shirt to wear it to the Volleyball Games Sept. 8th – 12th!! If you have lost your form, please find a VB Player, Mrs. Mlnarik or stop in the office and they will get you another one! Please consider helping fight these horrible diseases!

Posts have been added to the Clearwater Elementary Site Blog! Mrs. Mlnarik is very new to this and is learning as she goes! She can’t wait to start adding all the awesome things that are happening in our school!! Make sure you let your grandparents know where to find the Blog also!!
Go to to find Cyclone Chatter and other great things going on.


Parent Reading Tips:
**Don’t leave home without it!
Bring along a book or
magazine and time your child
has to wait, such as doctor’s
office. Always try to fit in
**Talk, talk, talk!
Talk with your child every day
about School and things going
on around the house! Sprinkle
some interesting words into
the conversation, and build on
words you’ve talked about in
the past

All K-4 were very busy this week
taking their DIBELS Tests.
Intervention groups with be set
and next week for 15 minutes
every day 4-5 times a week, all
students will take part. Some will
be working on higher level skills
and some will be working on skills
that help with fluency! It will be
tailored to meet the needs of all

Kindergarteners have been really busy this
week learning a “new” routine!! They made
a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree! Happy
Birthday to Sadie .!! Hope it was a great day
– you deserve it!

1st Grade are learning to quietly
walk from room to room and
classroom rules. They are also
getting back in to the Reading
Mastery Goove! Happy Birthday to
Bennet on Sunday! Hope you have
a great party! A special WELCOME
to Izick !! We are so happy to have
you in our School!!

The 2nd Graders have been working on getting to know each other and
incorporating a compare/contrast people chart. They are hanging in the
hallway and look awesome – Great Job!

The 3rd Graders reported that DIBELS, Lunch and Math were their favorite parts this week. They were also pretty excited to report that they are still losing teeth!!

The 4th graders started out Spelling in Reading Mastery with a BANG!! On individual turns, every single 4th grader spelled their word out loud correctly the first time!! This is HUGE because this is the first class to every do it with 100% accuracy on the first day of 4th Grade!!

Make sure to check out our hallways at school! Displays of Student work will be displayed throughout the year!!

Reminder that pictures will be taken Thursday, August 28th. Come with you best smile!!

Students – if you have News Worthy News that you would like to add to the Cyclone Chatter, plead your case with Mrs. Mlnarik and if you bring her treats, it just might get in – just kidding!! Bring your idea to her and we’ll make a decision together!!

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