Just a reminder that Muffins
with Moms is Wednesday,
September 24th from 7:50-8:30. A
big thanks to those who got your
forms back early. It really helps
when ordering and making sure we
have enough for everyone!!
Student Spotlight –
Student Spotlight
The preschoolers enjoyed the warmer
weather and getting to play outside this week!
While inside, they learned the letters H, I, &
J. They like singing letter songs and hearing
letter stories, but they LOVE playing letter
games on the Smart Board!
Try these Math Websites!!
Fun 4 the Brain
PBS Kids Math Games
Math Playground
Arcademic Skill Builders
Youth Volleyball Practices are:
Saturday, Sept. 20th @ Clearwater 9:00-10:30
Saturday, Sept 27th @ O’Neill - Tournament
Kindergarteners - Patterns, patterns and
more patterns! Color, shapes and sizes has
also been the focus for this week in
kindergarten. Finding, making and labeling
patterns. E! E! What begins with E? Eagles,
and eggs and yummy Elmo cookies! Ask a
kindergarten what starts with E! We are also
learning that science is the study of earth,
people, sky, plants and animals! What fun it
is to be in kindergarten!
The First Graders are learning about
animal environments in Science class.
They are studying why animals live in a
forest, on a prairie, in a desert and in
the wetlands. Seven was the target
number this week in Math. The children
have done activities to help learn the
combination for the sum of 7.
The 2nd Graders started our first social studies unit this week over communities.
We learned that a community is any place where people live, work, and have
fun together. We compared and contrasted rural, suburban, and urban
communities. In math, we are learning subtraction strategies that will help us to
be really quick at our basic subtraction facts!! The second graders are rockin
paragraph writing!! They really know how to write a topic, detail, and closing
sentence! Come check out the writing journal sometime. Happy birthday
shoutout to Ethan, he celebrates his birthday on September 20!!
Reminder that Homecoming it
next week!
* Homecoming Dress up Days
Monday = Ugly Sweater
Tuesday = Toga (School dress
code applies)
Wednesday = Disney Day
Thursday = Twin Day
Friday = Cyclone Day (School
The OC School Board with the
help of donations will be feeding
the students Friday in Orchard
before the Homecoming
12:40 – Parade (start from the school)(Elementary line up in front of the
school facing west and the High School will line up to the side of the
school facing south) There is absolutely no water balloons or squirt guns.
1:00 – 2014 Homecoming Coronation at the Orchard Gym
1:30 – Announce dress up winners (Elementary, JH, and High School)
1:50 – Skits
2:00 - Kids Games
2:20 - Dodge Ball Tournament (timed games)
3:15 - Load Buses
The 3rd graders got to learn about
the Bill of Rights when they
celebrated Constitution Day. They
watched School House Rock on the
Constitution- an oldie but a goodie!
They even caught Mrs. Neumann
singing along.
They are learning how to round
numbers to the nearest 10 and 100
in math. Everyone found out that
once you remember the steps, it's
not so tricky.
They are anxiously awaiting to
enjoy the last half of their field trip on
Thursday since the weather didn't
cooperate last week. Kreycik's Elk
and Buffalo Ranch will be on the
The 4th graders have had a BUSY week!
*Three days this week, the 4th graders completed MAP
testing in the areas of math, English, and science.
(Reading was tested last week.)
*On Thursday, they were able to enjoy the 2nd half of their
field trip. Last week they were able to enjoy visiting the
Trout Hatchery near Royal and Ashfall Fossil Beds.
However, the weather didn't permit them to go to the
Kreycik Elk & Buffalo Ranch. So they were happy to finish
their field trip this week by riding in a covered wagon on
the ranch to visit the buffalo and elk! They even got to
feed the buffalo!
*The 4th graders were happy to enjoy their "class award"
this week of getting an extra recess. It's nice to enjoy the
nice weather while we still have it!
*In science, they made a garden of flowers to help learn
the following parts: petals, sepals, pistil, anthers, stamen,
and pollen. They also learned about pollination and
*With Constitution Day on Sept. 17, we celebrated by
reading a book about the Preamble to the Constitution,
along with another activity.
*The 4th graders received their first reading logs for the
year, in which they will be expected to log 100 minutes of
reading each week. We have a new bulletin board in the
room to help us keep track of the AR books that they are
reading. They were excited to learn that after they pass
10 AR quizzes, Mrs. Metschke will buy them a book from
Scholastic! Let's get busy READING!! :)
The 3/4th graders were able to take half of their Field Trip last Friday to Ash Falls and to Kreycik’s on Thursday. They shared a picture with us from the Dino Barn, a covered wagon ride and feeding the buffalo. Looks like you had a GREAT TIME!
4th Graders enjoying the day and learning about Constitution Day!
Cute Preschool hands!!
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