September has a winner for Perfect Attendance!! The Perfect Attendance winner is Karolina. Congrats to all those that had their name put in the hat. We love to see that you are making Education a TOP PRIORITY!!
Student Spotlight
It was an exciting week in preschool! The
preschoolers worked hard to finish their Letter A
Day theme! They have now been formally
introduced to each letter of the alphabet. To
celebrate, they watched a Letter Factory video on
Thursday. While they watched, their teachers did
a quick letter recognition assessment with each
preschooler. They were also very excited on
Thursday to welcome their new student teacher,
Miss Schacht to preschool! Next week they will
be learning about Fire Safety and getting ready
to see Curious George in Norfolk
We may have all come on different ships,
but we're all in the same boat now.
-Martin Luther King Jr
Coming together is a beginning, staying
together is progress, and working together is
Henry Ford -
Kindergarten had fun learning
the letter Ii this week. The best
part was making homemade
ice cream because we know it
starts with the letter Ii. We also
used bears and chairs to learn
about more, fewer and same
as. We also had to tell how
many fewer and how many
more. That is really a
challenge! We are anxiously
awaiting for Friday to come for
the carnival. Every day we
asked Mrs. Bazelman "Is the
carnival today?" It will be
soooo much fun. We are doing
a great job of reading words
and have even started reading
short sentences. We are so
First graders are learning to identify math
families, by using activities and writing the
facts. Last Thursday, the First Graders along
with the Kindergarten and Second Grade,
enjoyed their Field Trip to Neligh and Norfolk
visiting the Neligh Mills, Hy Vee, Wis Pak and
Poppy's Pumpkin Patch. They are now
writing thank you letters to the business
places they visited.
The Second Graders started a new unit in science on sound. We made chicken cluckers and
discovered that sound is produced when an object vibrates. Do you know what what has to
vibrate in us when we want to make a sound? It's our vocal chords. They move back and
forth very quickly and vibrate! In writing, we are learning how to write hooks. A hook is a way
to grab the reader's attention and pull them into our writing. Here are a few examples of the
hooks we came up with for a paragraph about recess: "Hooray, it's recess time!," "What is
your favorite thing to do at recess?," and "Recess is such a blast!" The 2nd graders are also
enjoying counting money in math. We have been counting pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters,
and half dollars to a dollar amount! Learning in 2nd grade is sooooo exciting!
The 3rd graders continue to work hard using their "math talk" while working in groups. They are getting revved up for
their addition and subtraction test on Friday and are anxiously awaiting next week when they get to start multiplication.
Upper case S's were as easy as pie to figure out. As you can see, they still continue to work on figures of speech and
trying to use them in their vocabulary.
Mark your Calendars:
Red Hot Reading Night is scheduled for Oct 20th @ 6:00
There will be Break-out Sessions with the Local Firefighters teaching you fire safety, you will
get to try on the fireman’s gear, look inside the Ambulance, have stories read to you by our
firefighters and there will be Fire Truck Rides that night – no rides during the school day
Come one, come all!! Treats and drinks will be provided!!
October 24th – NO SCHOOL!!
YOUTH VB Practice for the 5/6th Graders will be
Friday, October 17th right after school @ Orchard
until 5:30.
3/4th and 5/6th Graders will practice Saturday, Oct
18th from 9:00-10:30 @Clearwater!
Sunday, Oct 19th @ West Holt High School
5/6th Grade be there by 12:00
3/4th be there by 3:00.
The 4th graders celebrated with Miss Schacht since it
was her last day on Wednesday. Mrs. Metschke and
the 4th graders were sad to see her go. They sure
enjoyed their time with her. They will be happy to see
her every once in a while since she's just down the
hall in the preschool room now.
*In science the 4th graders are enjoying learning
about rocks and how they are formed. They even got
to MAKE the 3 types of rocks (igneous, sedimentary,
and metamorphic) using crayon pieces.
These fourth graders are layering their sediments (crayon filings), along with some pressure of their textbooks (like layers of the Earth), and pressing and cementing them together to make a sedimentary rock.
4th Grade Science Project Here Mrs. Metschke is taking a sedimentary rock and applying heat and pressure to turn it into a metamorphic rock.
Here are the 3 types of rocks the 4th graders made using crayons.
*In Nebraska history, they are studying the Native
Americans' seasonal patterns, especially of the
farming tribes. They enjoyed comparing the types of
activities that the Native Americans did each season
to what they do in the present. We noticed that there
ARE some similarities, especially in the area of
*In math, the 4th graders ROCKED their math test
over patterns and expressions. Just about the whole
class got an A on the test! Keep up the great work!!
Kindergaten, 1st Grade and 2nd Grade Field Trip
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