Friday, September 5, 2014

Just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL for Pre K-4th grade on Monday, September 8th!! Also a heads up for the following week: 10:00 Start, Wednesday, September 17th and Parent Teacher Conferences, Friday, September 19 with a 2:00 Dismissal that day!

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Student Spotlight –

Student Spotlight

The Preschool Cyclones started their Letter-A-Day theme this week. They read stories, sang songs and practiced writing the letters A, B, C, & D. They were super excited Friday, for their very first Show & Tell! They also had Miles of Smiles when they went and saw the hygienist on Tuesday!

Parent Reading Tips:
*Once is not enough!
Encourage your child to re-read favorite books and poems. Re-reading helps kids read more quickly and accurately!
*I read to you, you read to me!
Take turns reading aloud at bedtime. Kids enjoy this special time with their parents!

Youth Volleyball Practices are:
Saturday, Sept. 6th @ Orchard 9:00-10:30
Saturday, Sept. 13th @ Orchard 9:00-10:30
Saturday, Sept. 20th @ Clearwater 9:00-10:30
Saturday, Sept 27th @ O’Neill - Tournament

 Kindergarteners have been working on letters and sounds a,m,s and also made yummy monkey bread and decorated M’s with marshmallows! They are discussing position words and how many words are in a sentence. They are also busy learning beginning sounds of words and syllables!

1st Grade have started Adventures in Language , learning facts about the Mona Lisa and listing words that tell who and what. They are busy learning about animals in nature, as well as rules in the classroom, school and community. They are very excited to add numbers in Math! Mrs. Wies reports that the 1st graders are doing an excellent job adjusting to the new school year!

The 2nd Graders are learning about magnets. Students have been bringing items in all week and they have been testing them to see if their are magnetic (containing iron) They are took compasses outside and watched how the needle always points north and south because of the Earth’s magnetic field. Ava had a birthday on Sept 3rd – Happy Late Birthday!! They have also been learning that complete sentences have a subject and a predicate.

New starting September 4th!!
* All students Pre-K-4th grades with PERFECT ATTENDANCE (Doctor Visits will be excused and not count against you) for the month of SEPTEMBER, will get to have their name in a hat. We will draw one name for a $10 I Tunes Card. Starting October, we will go from the first day of school in each month to the last day of school in that month and have monthly drawings for prizes for PERFECT ATTENDANCE! Make education and coming to school a priority!!

The 3rd Graders are getting ready for their place value test and scientific methods test in Science. They are sure glad the sophomores came in and helped them do hands on experiments to show the procedure for the scientific method! They are also excited for their Field Trip they are taking with the 4th Graders Friday, Sept 12th!

The 4th graders celebrated Miss Schacht’s Birthday on Sept 4th! The 3/4th graders will be going on their Field Trip Friday, Sept. 12th. They will be going to Ashfall Fossil Bed, lunch at Niobrara State Park and the Kreycik Elk and Buffalo Ranch. They are busy studying the scientific inquiry – the methods and processes in Science. They are also studying map skills in Nebraska History so they can figure out how to locate places on a map!!

*Maps Testing for 3rd/4th graders starts next Wednesday and will
continue into the following week. Please make sure everyone is
getting plenty of sleep and a good breakfast!!

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