Monday, November 17, 2014

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr Seuss

Student Spotlight

Student Spotlight

This week the preschoolers started the week by learning about Veterans. To show their thanks for Veterans they all worked together to make a flag banner out of their handprints to hang in the entrance of the school for the Veteran's Day program. Many preschoolers also brought names and addresses for Veteran's that they know to mail them a colored thank you. The preschoolers also participated in a class mascot election. Peter the Penguin was named our mascot in a close victory over Ollie the Octopus. Thursday, the preschoolers looked at and learned about US symbols such as the Liberty Bell, The Statue of Liberty, and of course the American Flag. Next week they will begin their 2 week Harvest/Fall theme.

Only 5 More Fridays until Christmas!!!

The kindergarten studied the letter Hh this week. We had fun making horses and hippos that swim and tasted good too! Graphing is a lot of fun especially when we use our own bodies to make a graph. We can now read and write and count all our numbers up to 10! (we can count higher, but everyone has mastered 0-10)! Ask me what activities I do in the morning, afternoon and evening and see if I can answer! Sophie celebrated turning 6 this week too! We want to give a huge shout of thanks to all the Veterans and thought the Veterans Day program was pretty neat. It was cool to see the Veterans at our school!

First Graders are busy learning to use addition facts to help solve subtraction facts. They are becoming great math problem solvers. In Language, they are learning how to write their initials, when to write capital letters in a name and editing sentences. In Science and Social Studies, they are learning about land forms and natural resources. A lot of learning is happening in the 1st Grade classroom

The 2nd graders, we have been doing our economics unit. We have learned that when we go to Walmart or other stores we are consumers that buy goods. When we go to the doctor's office, we pay for a service. We looked at different goods and listed all of the natural, capital, and human resources it would take to make it. We brainstormed 25 different resources to make an ice cream sundae. We auctioned off 10 boxes of raisins and 6 packs of gummies and discovered that more people wanted the packs of gummies, therefore the demand for it was higher but the supply was lower, therefore the prices increased. Not many people wanted the boxes of raisins so the demand was lower and the prices stayed low. It was fun to learn about econmics this week!

Even though the temperature is cold outside, the third graders have been heating up their room with all sorts of learning. They only have the 8's to learn yet for multiplication. That means there is actually only 1 problem they don't know yet because they use their commutative property to flip flop their factors. They have been doing lots of different activities to learn their facts and can now multiply double digit X single digit numbers and check them with a calculator. They have finished learning about the geography of the 5 regions of the United States. We didn't realize the country had so much to offer us and that geography really does affect everyone's lives. They have just split into groups to make brochures of the regions. They are talking about organization and also little hints that make their projects "pop". You can definitely feel the heat from the 3rd grade classroom.

The 4th graders enjoyed their class reward that they had earned last week by arranging their own desks for the whole afternoon last Friday. Mrs. Metschke was surprised to see who wanted to sit in the front row and who wanted to sit close to the door! *This week we also celebrated our first student birthday of the year! Emma was excited to turn a decade old! *Math has kept the 4th graders busy as they continued to practice long division with 3-digit dividends. We once counted how many places errors could be made in ONE problem, and we counted more than 10 places. So the 4th graders have realized that they need to be really careful when doing each problem! *We are nearing the end of the science unit on studying the Earth. This week's topics were about our Earth's natural resources--both renewable and nonrenewable-- and their uses. (Check out our posters in the hall!) Our natural resources are very important to us because of all the ways we use them, so we learned about ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle! The 4th graders are preparing for their big test over this unit next WEDNESDAY! *The 4th graders were excited to work on their first "Nebraska Portrait" for the year. They will be learning about several people in Nebraska's history that have made a difference and/or shown some great character traits. Each time we come across one of these in our books, the students will create a mini poster that tells and shows what these famous Nebraskans have done. (This works on our main idea skills.) Then the students vote for their favorite "Nebraska Portrait" to remain in the room for the rest of the year. We studied Peter Sarpy, a Nebraskan that was important in the fur trading business. The 4th graders voted to display Alex's portrait this time around. Congratulations, Alex! *The 4th graders are REALLY looking forward to enjoying their reward for ALL passing the NeSA test last year. A trip to Pizza Hut and to Verdigre to enjoy inflatables and other activities is in the plan for Friday (the 14th). You can look forward to seeing pictures of our afternoon in next week's Chatter!

Alex is holding his winning Nebraska portrait, which was voted on by the 4th graders to represent
Peter Sarpy in our room the rest of the year.

Mark your calendar for our next
reading event –
DONUTS WITH DADS – Nov. 18th 7:45-

What is American Education Week?
American Education Week—November 17-21, --presents all Americans with a wonderful opportunity to celebrate public education and honor individuals who are making a difference in ensuring that every child receives a quality education. American Education Week was first celebrated in 1921. Begun as part of an effort to raise Americas literacy rate after WWI, American Education Week now serves as a special opportunity to shine a light on the great things that schools do!

Our Perfect Attendance Winner of a $10 I Tunes Card is Kalee!! Keep up the great work Kalee!!

Reminder: The Elementary Student Council is buying ALL current students in grades PreK-4th grades with a FREE Cyclone Elementary t-shirt using funds earned by Box Tops money. A form was sent home with the oldest child in the family. Make sure to fill out the form and return it by Friday, November 21st so t-shirts can be ordered. Congratulations to the 1st graders for winning the traveling trophy for the month of October for Box Tops! So far this year 2,160 Box Tops have been collected! Keep collecting! Here is the new design for our Elementary T-Shirts!

3/4th and 5/6th Grade Boys Youth BB Practice Dates for November!!
Monday - 17th - @ Clearwater 6:30-8:00
Saturday – 22nd -@ Orchard 9:00-10:30
Monday – 24th- @ Orchard 6:30-8:00

3/4th and 5/6th Grade Girls Youth BB Practice Dates for November!!
Thursday – 20th @ Clearwater 6:30-8:00
Saturday – 22nd @ Orchard 10:30-12:00
Tuesday – 25th @ Clearwater 6:00-7:30

Game Dates Are:
Dec 7th – O’Neill (boys) Atkinson (girls)
Dec 14th – Neligh (boys) Clearwater (girls)
Jan 11th – O’Neill (girls) Atkinson (boys)
Jan 18th – Neligh (girls) Clearwater (boys)

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